Inspectable Area: Site
Inspectable Item: Grounds
If these tree branches merely touch the roof and the gutters, this is a Level 2 deficiency.

If they cause damage to the roof or gutters, then the deficiency becomes a Level 3.

Most properties lose 5 or 6 points on this - it's no joke.
Partial blockage of a walkway, driveway, or parking space would be Level 2.

If a person has to step off of the sidewalk to go around the plants, then that would mean the sidewalk is completely blocked and the defect would be Level 3.
And, low hanging branches can be included in that category of vegetation partially blocking the walkway.

This is Level 2.
Effective date: May 23, 2016 -  says  that vegetation touching a fence but not doing any damage should NOT be cited as a defect.

My advice: inspectors have been citing this for nearly 20 years, they are not going to stop any time soon.

Clean up the fence as best you can.

If you get cited for this, perhaps you can try to appeal it based on the "Clarifications" document.
Plants really should not touch anything but dirt or other plants.

Sadly, even a pretty, flowering tree needs to be cut back.

This one never should have been planted in this spot.  It should have been planted about 30 feet from the building.

Full definitions, derived from Federal Register
Grounds (Site)
The improved land adjacent to or surrounding the housing and related structures. This does not include land not owned or under the control of the housing provider.
This inspectable item can have the following deficiencies:
Erosion/Rutting Areas                                Ponding/Site Drainage
Overgrown/Penetrating Vegetation
Overgrown/Penetrating Vegetation (Grounds—Site)
Deficiency: Plant life has spread to unacceptable areas, unintended surfaces, or has grown in areas where it was not intended to grow.
Level of Deficiency:
- Level 1:  N/A
- Level 2:  Vegetation is extensive and dense; it is difficult to see broken glass, holes, and other hazards.
Vegetation contacts or penetrates an unintended surface, such as buildings, gutters, fences/walls, roofs, HVAC units, etc., but you see no visible damage.
Extensive, dense vegetation obstructs the intended path of walkways or roads, but the path is still passable.
- Level 3:  Plants have visibly damaged a component, area, or system of the property or have made them unusable/impassable.
Compilation Bulletin 4.0 v. 2, page 23    
C. Grounds

1. The deficiency Overgrown Vegetation addresses conditions that have a potential or existing adverse effect on the physical condition of the property or negatively impacts the use of the property by residents.

Do not record a deficiency for vegetation that is intentionally grown on walls or fences and is maintained but does not adversely affect the structure or the intended use of that structure.
Effective date: May 23, 2016
 There is some vegetation touching a fence but it is not causing any damage. Is this a defect?

No defect.