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what order do we inspect the areas?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:35 am
by a guest
Are Site, Building Exterior and Building Systems inspected first then Common Areas and Units last? I
guess I am really asking if there is an order to an inspection or the inspector just has to inspect all of
the areas.

Re: what order do we inspect the areas?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 11:25 am
by Michael
In the course of the typical inspection, it depends on the type of property. If there is only one building, the inspector would typically do the outside first, Site and Exterior, and would then do the building top to bottom, inspecting Units, Common Areas, and Systems components as encountered.
In the case of a 10 building garden style complex, the inspector might inspect the Site between the office and the first building, then the exterior of that building, then the units and common areas, then the site between there and the next building. The order is optional – most inspectors will try to just
make it as efficient as possible with as little doubling back as they can.