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Multiple mailbox issues?
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:55 pm
by a guest
You mentioned a mailbox that doesn't have a cover. What if you have multiple mailboxes across the site do you have to count all the mailboxes individually? Do you average or do you take off points for each even though the point is like (0.2)?
Re: Multiple mailbox issues?
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:11 pm
by Michael
Each individually named a defined defect… each Area/Item/Defect… can only count once. If I am citing multiple occurrences of Site/Mailbox/Missing Damaged, it only counts once. Same goes for Site/Fences and Gates/Security Fence Damage and/or any other Site defect.
In a single Unit, for example, we could cite 3 broken windows – it would only count once. However, if we cited one broken window and one inoperable window, those would be two different defects.