Could you site infestation if there are signs of live activity such as rat or mice droppings in areas that
the resident does in fact have access to clean but the inspector is unable to physically capture photo
of rodent?
What if inspector cannot photograph rodents?
Re: What if inspector cannot photograph rodents?
We could cite infestation by rodents whether there is evidence of live activity or just an old dead mouse, it is irrelevant whether the rodents are alive or dead. We could cite infestation in an area that the resident does or does not have access to clean, it is irrelevant whether the resident can access it or
not. We could cite infestation regardless of whether it is possible to capture a photo. We would just make a note like “unable to photograph.”
The only criteria necessary to cite infestation by rodents is evidence that rodents are or have been present. A few droppings, a hole chewed through a wall, a dead mouse in a trap, etc.
not. We could cite infestation regardless of whether it is possible to capture a photo. We would just make a note like “unable to photograph.”
The only criteria necessary to cite infestation by rodents is evidence that rodents are or have been present. A few droppings, a hole chewed through a wall, a dead mouse in a trap, etc.